
Asbestos Inspections & Selling Your Home

During a typical home inspection, the inspector will evaluate the structure of the home, along with the conditions of walls, plumbing, HVAC systems, and various other critical components at the property. In some cases, a home inspector may be able to identify suspected asbestos-containing materials in their assessments, due to their work experience. However, most home inspectors are not trained and licensed asbestos inspectors. In fact, almost every home inspection contract will explicitly state that they will not report on the presence and or absence of asbestos. This may lead to oversight for asbestos-containing materials.

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Can I Have an Asbestos Inspection During My Inspection Period?

Doing a separate asbestos inspection is possible, but there are some limitations. The sellers of the property may not allow asbestos samples to be collected during the inspection period. This is generally due to the fear of identifying an asbestos-containing material, thus requiring the seller to disclose this information. When the information is disclosed in the details, it can negatively impact the sale and value of the property. Additionally, a homeowner may be reluctant to allow the buyer to destructively collect materials without purchasing the property: however, there can often be a compromise.  For example, a small piece of the tile could be collected from under a corner or trim that no one will see. A sample of the ceiling can be collected in a closet. The truth is most of these materials are in a condition where removal is the best course of action, especially when an older home is undergoing renovation.

What Types of Asbestos Inspections Are Possible?

It is best for the buyer and seller to come up with a reasonable plan for what suspect materials are to be tested. In turn, what if the seller absolutely refuses to allow any testing?  The seller is not obligated by law to allow asbestos testing during the inspection period (although prohibiting an asbestos inspection may kill the deal). A possible solution is to coordinate an asbestos inspector to conduct a visible walkthrough of the property without sampling and assume the materials contain asbestos. Although materials cannot be determined to be asbestos-containing without proper lab analysis, some materials can be visually pointed out as concern areas, such as pipe insulation, floor tile, HVAC insulation, etc. testing is always the most economical way to proceed for all parties involved.

Our Recommendations

Homeowners selling their property may not allow asbestos inspections, due to the potential impact it may have on the sale. We recommend considering factors such as the age of the property and previous inspection records, and possibly coordinating with a licensed asbestos inspector to assist in your decision to purchase a property. We believe it is best for the buyers to investigate potential asbestos concerns before they own the home; while there is still a chance to negotiate any repairs or removal. Once the property is purchased, it is the new homeowner’s responsibility for managing the potential asbestos-containing materials which may impact renovations, indoor air quality, and possibly the health of the occupants. If you would like to evaluate a property in the Chicagoland area, please contact Asbestos Project Management.

Test Your Future Home For Asbestos

Before you sign those documents, have Asbestos Project Management perform an asbestos inspection and test.

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